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SAP SD New batch starts on 04 Feb 2025 @ 6.30 AM IST




1. What is your team size ?
Ans. We are 15 in size, out of 15, SD - 3, FI-2, CO-1, PP-2 are functional, and rest of team where ABAPER, BASIS Technical consultants. 

2. What is the tenure  of Project ?
Ans. The Normal tenure of domestic SAP Implementation project is 12 Months. 

3.  Did you ever attended Kickoff party meetings ?
Ans: Yes, I attended. After completion of project preparation, management of implementation partner will come to the office & conduct kick off meeting.

In the kick off meeting, they will invite all the SAP Consultants who all are involved in the project. They will also  invite Project Manager [PM], Tech Experts & Delivery Head. 

They will discuss about 

1. Introduction of client 

2. Roles and Responsibilities of Clients

3. Roles and Responsibilities of SAP Consultants

4. Share the Core users list who all involved in the Implementation project

5. They will announce the GO -Live Dates

6. They will announce Project starting dates 

5. What  did you do on the first day of Implementation project ?
Ans. On the First day of Implementation project, When i Visit the client location, We have an introduction with CORE USERS and they will take us to the site visit. In the evening, again there will be a meeting with core users. In that meeting, we will say to the core users, tomorrow onwards we will start up the project.  They will allocate separate facilities for different SAP modules.

6. On what basis you collected requirements regarding Business process and Business Scenarios ?
Ans. In Implementation project, we daily visit the client location for gathering the requirements by asking questions. With the help of Questionaries' provided by Implementation partner, we ask the questions in sequence. 

7. From which phase of ASAP methodology you got involved in implementation project ?
Ans. As a consultant, we get involved in Business Blueprint phase of Implementation project. 

8. What are the activities done in Project Preparation phase ?
Ans. Activities done are 

        1. Decide on How many SAP license's  

        2. Decide on Environment 

        3. Decide on SAP System landscape

        4. Sizing of the SAP Servers

        5. Infrastructure 

        6. Team size and consultant facilities

        7. Go - Live dates

9. What are the documents you prepare in BBP phase ?
Ans. I have prepared following documents. 
AS - IS Documents : It consists present business process of the client , whatever core users has explained. 

TO - BE Documents : It says, how the client business process is going to be in SAP.


1. Could you explain what condition technique in SAP is?
Ans: i. Hierarchy of elements defining a data combination which leads to certain actions.
ii. In pricing the condition technique refers to the method by which the system determines prices from information stored in condition records.
iii. Sales and Distribution, the various elements used in the condition technique are set up and controlled in Customizing. During sales order processing, the system uses the condition technique to determine a variety of important pricing information.

2.Name three areas/processes which use condition technique in SD?
Ans: Material determination, Output determination, Account determination

3. What are the four basic elements of condition technique?
Ans: Condition Types, Condition Tables, Access Sequences, Pricing Procedures.

4. Please explain graphically the relationship between the four basic elements in condition techniques?
Ans: Condition Procedure, Condition Types, Access Sequence, Condition Tables, Condition Records.

5. Explain what a pricing procedure is?
Ans: The primary job of a pricing procedure is to define a group of condition types in a particular sequence. 
The pricing procedure also determines:
- Which sub-totals appear during pricing
- To what extent pricing can be influenced manually
- Which method the system uses to calculate percentage discounts and surcharges
which requirements for a particular condition type must be fulfilled before the system takes the condition into account.

6. Explain what a condition table and an access sequence is and the relationship between them?
Ans: i. A condition table defines the combination of fields (the key) that identifies an individual condition record. A condition record is how the system stores the specific condition data that you enter in the system as condition records. For example, when you enter the price for a product or a special discount for a good customer, you create individual condition records.
ii. An access sequence is a search strategy that the system uses to find valid data for a particular condition type. It determines the sequence in which the system searches for data. The access sequence consists of one or more accesses. The sequence of the accesses establishes which condition records have priority over others. The accesses tell the system where to look first, second, and so on, until it finds a valid condition record.